Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ethiopian porn plus ethiopian girl pussy

Are you one of those people who wants to see ethiopian girls? Do you think there is Ethiopian sluts on the internet?

            well i can hear you say yes for both the questions. in this article i will tell you exactly why you don't need to search for Ethiopian girls anymore! well i am Ethiopian and i too have searched Google in hopes of finding Ethiopian sluts showing off their butt.but there is nothing there.there were some sites made for Ethiopian girls,but i have never seen any viable thing. i was searching for that term because i was so into porn and i wanted to see what a Habesha porn look like. that was the only reason but today i stopped watching porn. Watching porn is the worst thing in the world that you can do to your sexual just kills you believe me. if you are into porn like i used to be, i highly recommend you to stay away from porn and live a decent life. i am not going to go in detail about the negative effects of porn. but i am sure you are going to agree that it is a life killer. think about it seriously and stop watching porn. follow your own sexual drive don't teach your mind to get sexually excited by only watching porn. do you know the number of people who rape and or have sex with prostitutes after watching porn? just because you didn't do that stuff it doesn't mean porn did good for you, even if you think you are not going to rape somebody, avoid pornography in any of its forms.this is a brotherly advice from me.


Ethiopia and porn just my thoughts.

 Ethiopian people are the best people in anything. Ethiopia is one of those few countries which have a lot of diaspora-citizens living out side their home country- and many of them work hard every single day in different parts of the world. all this is to help their family and change their own life. but a percentage of this diaspora population is interested in online porn or Ethiopian prostitutes to be exact. there are many people who want to see Ethiopian girls naked and they are living in USA south Africa or else! why is that ...i don't know. may be the pornography industry was strong enough to enter the hearts and minds of the hard working Ethiopian people just like any-other community. any way that is sad to hear. but the beautiful fact is that there is not Ethiopian women  whether it is on the internet or offline. no Ethiopian person ever tried to make a porn video which is so great and encourages us to keep this amazing country pure forever. priests say that when you are watching porn you are letting the Satan come in through your eyes. i couldn't agree more, they are so right. that it is very mind disturbing thing. i am going to repeat that  Watching porn is not good! please avoid it by any means necessary! the ones who live in Ethiopia, are in a very strong influence of porn. it is very hard to find a person who doesn't regularly use pornography in Ethiopia  these days as a way to relief his or her sexual need. you can find porn in high schools with teenagers, you can find it being sold to people for 4 birr in every street of Addis ababa and i wander where you cant find people who want to buy rent or watch porn in Ethiopia? it is very very shameful for Ethiopia. as it introduces things that are way out of our culture. the very saddening thing is that everyone everywhere is using it....from college students holders...experienced workers..teenagers ....most of Ethiopians work force is no doubt entering in to porn addiction. that is so bad for us. any way imagine what happens when everybody becomes the consumer of it? by the way the actions being done right at this moment just by watching porn in Ethiopia are unspeakable. many girls get raped oh not to mention HIV aids spreading like a wildfire. oh my god please keep Ethiopian people on the right path lord.


i know porn is not good! but i want Ethiopian sluts right now!

aha ...this is the worst case. if you are thinking like the above statement says then you are feeling hopelessness. and you want to dive right into it. please consider that it is really bad to watch porn and repeat after me " porn messes my life up" say that 10 times and tell me if you have the same feeling again if that is so please stop doing everything and run to your family member or your best friend and try to have conversations about other things in life. this helps you to stay away from what kills your!
thanks for reading!
but i to ask you one favor before you leave this site for good?

would you please share your thoughts by commenting below!

i highly appreciate it if you put in your idea about Ethiopian sluts. have you ever seen Ethiopian porn? what do you think about Ethiopians future and the porn thing going on? please share you comment by clicking comments below. thanks so much for reading


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